Electrical Sunrooms and Patio Rooms
Sunroom Electrical Systems
California Sunroom Pros is unique in offering sunrooms and patio rooms with Underwriters Laboratory (U.L.) approved electrical raceways. No other manufacturer in the industry has received such approvals. Why is this important? This approval means that your client can be assured that their California Sunrooms Pro room was designed, engineered and constructed with their safety and peace of mind in mind. It’s that simple.
6063-T6 Aluminum
The 6063-T6 Aluminum posesses all of the characteristics required to build the high quality California Sunrooms Pro Sunrooms. But a unique vinyl cladding system (called a thermalbarrier) placed on the inside and outside of each structural member eliminates the one negative attribute of aluminum - heat and cold transfer.

The Structural Thermal Barrier provides:
- 9 times more thermal value
- 7 times less likely to condensate
- Dramatically reduces the transfer of heat and cold while maintaining the great benefits of an aluminum structure
- Fewer exposed fasteners
If someone goes out and buys a product that runs on electricity, whether a toaster, a lamp, or a television set; those products have all gone through a grueling U.L. approval process, and successfully passing that test, will have a U.L. sticker attached to the power cord. Virtually every manufacturer of such products have done so for decades. This process is intended to assure that those appliances have been manufactured safely and will be safe to use. Since most sunrooms and patio rooms contain not just one, but numerous raceways with switches, outlet boxes and even ceiling fans; California Sunrooms Pro believes that sunroom and patio room products are no different and should be reviewed and approved by U.L. just like any other product which contains electrical wiring. What we don’t understand is why all other manufacturers don’t feel the same way. Once they have been informed, your clients might wonder that as well!

Exclusive Patented U.L. Listed Electrical System:
- California Sunrooms Pro electrical system is UL listed, safe and legal
- Each electrical system comes with a ground fault interrupter (GFI)
All of California Sunrooms Pro’s Omega rooms are now manufactured with a new Utility Mullion between adjacent wall modules, which means that electrical boxes and switches can be located virtually anywhere in the room, whether at the time of installation or long afterwards. This makes it easy for the Dealer, who no longer has to think about ordering utility mullions or about where they should be placed in the room at the time he enters his order … they’re automatically put between all the wall modules, and at no additional cost to you or your client.